JavaZone: introducing Apache Wicket

16 Sep 2011

Presentation from JavaZone 2011: Video posted to Notes:

* 7 years old framework, Wicket 1.5 just released
* Component oriented, using just java+html
* **Used by:** AdScale, WalMart, MeetMoi, fabulous40...
* **Just html:** elements linked to wicket by attributes: <p wicket:id="foo">, no imperative markup in view.
* **Just Java:** no logic in markup, Components are POJOs, No xml
* **Components:** Manipulate markup, Render content, Receive events (onClick)
* **Models:** data to / from Components, transform data
* **Behaviors:** Decorator / Adapter for Component, manipulate markup of Component, can receive events (onClick), Add Ajax unctionality to Components
* **Wicket projects:** Apache Wicket (core, integration to Spring...), Wicket stuff (components), Seam for Apache Wicket, WiQuery (jQuery), Leg before Wicket (archetypes), Apache Isis (DDD framework), Jolira Tools, Visural Wicket (components)...
* **Quick start:** use Maven,
* **Some examples:** Hello World, click-counter, sign-up
* **Navigation:** Overview and some detail on: External link, Bookmarkable link, Action
* **Validators:** Overview, simple example and list of provided validators
* **jQuery integration:** WiQuery overview and example
* **JqZoom:** Example, zoom on image, how to integrate
* **Development / Deployment mode:** List differences and show some features
* **WicketTester:** Tests components, UI, Ajax, without starting server, runs in IDE, ant, maven
* **New in 1.5:** Html5 input types, component event bus, some new components, improved internals, simpler request cycle, and more
* **Component event bus:** pre/post example
* **Wicket 6:** next version, preliminary list of features. Shorter release cycle.
* **Q&amp;A:** How do components handle history button? Do you endorse Wicket WebBeans for rapid development?
